Accounts Receivable



Invoiced makes it easy to add and update customers. While a customer can be added when creating an invoice, a customer can also be created simply by selecting:

CustomersNew Customer

You will be prompted to add a name, account number (this will generate if left blank), and an email address. On the New customer set up, you can also add a payment method, billing address, specify allowed payment methods, and allow chasing on the customers profile. If you do not know this information, you can leave these items blank.

Once a customer is created, you can apply invoices, pending line items, and subscriptions to the customers account.

Adding a Payment Method

Customer records also allows you to store a payment method on the customer's account. Simply access the customer by finding the customer in Invoiced.

Under the Payment Method section, you can add a payment method to use for the customer.


You can create contacts on the customer profile to store additional customer contact information. To add a contact, select add in the contacts box in the customer profile. Contacts that are set as default will be cc'ed on all customer emails except for payment receipts (payment receipts will be sent to the primary email unless the customer edits the receipt email field when paying in the Customer Portal). You can assign roles to contacts to send them specific emails configured in your chasing cadence. Read more about contact roles here.

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Parent / Sub-Customer Relationships

Invoiced supports parent/ sub-customer relationships in customer profiles. You can establish the relationship by navigating to the customer profile > Edit > Basic > select Belongs to a parent customer > Select a parent customer from the drop-down list. Invoiced can also read this data from integrated accounting systems, and you can set the same parent customer on multiple sub-customers. After that, you'll see the parent customer listed in the customer profile. On the parent customer profile, sub-customers are listed below contacts.

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Sub-customer invoices are not included in the parent customer balance on the My Account page.

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Parent customers can view sub-customer invoices on the Statements page. They can select a sub-customer's invoice to pay it.

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Consolidated Invoicing

Invoiced supports consolidating multiple invoices into one. To set this up, select the customer profile > Edit > Options > Enable Consolidated Invoicing. When this setting is enabled and a customer has more than one open invoice, you'll have the option to consolidate the invoices under the Actions menu.

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After you select Consolidate Invoices, you'll be prompted to set a cutoff date. Invoices issued before this date will be consolidated. The original invoices will be voided, and a new invoice will be issued with the combined line items. It's not possible to reverse this action, and we encourage you to test in a sandbox account first.

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Consolidating Invoices for Parent/ Sub-Customers

Invoiced allows you to consolidate invoices issued to sub-customers under the parent customer account. This makes it easier for parent customers to pay multiple sub-customer balances on a single invoice. To set this up, follow these steps:

  1. On the parent customer profile, select Edit > Options > Enable consolidated invoicing.
  2. On each sub-customer profile, select Edit > Options
    1. Select the option Belongs to a parent customer
    2. Set the parent customer in the drop-down list
    3. Enable Bill to Parent
    4. Enable Consolidated Invoicing
  3. When the sub-customer(s) have at least two outstanding invoices, select the parent customer > Actions > Consolidate Invoices > select a cutoff date > select Consolidate. This will void the existing sub-customer invoices and issue a new, consolidated invoice to the parent customer.
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Merging Customers

When using Invoiced, you might find yourself in a situation where there is a duplicate customer account. Duplicate customers can happen due to a third-party integration, a customer signing up from a sign-up form when they already exist on Invoiced, or a clerical error. The problem becomes magnified when there is stored payment information on file that should belong to an existing customer account. Invoiced allows you to merge two customer accounts to remedy duplicate customer accounts. Please be warned that merging customers is a powerful and permanent action. A merged customer cannot be reversed.

How to merge customers:

  1. Open the customer account that you want to keep in the Invoiced dashboard.
  2. Click ActionsMerge Customer.
  3. Search for and select the customer you want to merge into this customer.
  4. Click Preview to see a preview of the resulting customer. The customer that you selected in the previous step will have all of their transactions, payment information, and history merged into the customer from the first step. The profile for the customer being merged in will be deleted after all of the associated data has been moved to the resulting customer.
  5. Click Merge to finalize the process.

Inactive Customers

If you are no longer doing business with a specific customer, you may wish to remove it from your customer list. You can mark any customer as inactive to keep all of their accounting records while also preventing new invoices from being posted. Unlike deleting the customer, marking a customer as inactive is not permanent. An inactive customer can be reactivated at any time.

When a customer is inactive, the following will apply:

  • The customer list will not include this customer unless you select the "Include Inactive" option.
  • You are unable to perform merges with the inactive customer.
  • The inactive customer can still access the customer portal and submit payments.
  • New invoices, credit notes, estimates, subscriptions, and pending line items cannot be created for the inactive customer.

Making a Customer Inactive

  1. Open the customer account that you want to inactivate.
  2. Click ActionsMake Inactive.

Reactivating an Inactive Customer

  1. Open the customer account that you want to reactivate.
  2. Click ActionsMake Active.

Deleting Customers

It is possible to permanently delete a customer if you have made a mistake when creating a customer. A customer can only be permanently deleted if it has no invoices, credit notes, estimates, or active subscriptions associated with it.

  1. Open the customer account that you want to reactivate.
  2. Click ActionsDelete Customer.