Invoiced has an integration with NetSuite, a cloud-based ERP system. This document outlines how to setup and use the NetSuite integration.
The NetSuite integration ships with the following capabilities:
- Reading customers, open invoices, credit notes, and payments from NetSuite
- New data from NetSuite is synced every 15 minutes
- Payments generated on Invoiced post to NetSuite in real-time
In order to set up the NetSuite integration you first need these pieces of information:
- NetSuite Account ID
- OAuth Access Token
Below we will show you how to connect NetSuite with Invoiced, step-by-step.
First we need to install the Invoiced SuiteBundle, which will install an Invoiced integration and an Invoiced Integration role.
- On NetSuite, go to Customization → SuiteBundler → Search & Install Bundles.
- In the keyword box, type in Invoiced and click Search. Select the bundle with a bundle ID of 265184.
- Click Install to install the bundle.
- Once the bundle is installed, go to Page: Invoiced Integration
- Obtain an API key in Settings → Developers → New API Key in the Invoiced application.
- Paste the API key into the API Key field on NetSuite and click Save.
The next step is to create an OAuth Access Token for Invoiced on NetSuite. To do that there are few steps you need to follow.
You will need to pick a user that will that the access token will be based on and assign the Invoiced Integration role to that user.
- Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage Users.
- Select the user you plan to use for the integration and add the Invoiced Integration role to that user.
- Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Access Tokens → New
- Select Invoiced as the application name, the user from the previous step as the user, and Invoiced Integration as the role.
- Copy-paste the token ID and token secret values into a text editor. NetSuite will not display this information again.
- On Invoiced, go to Apps → NetSuite in the Invoiced dashboard.
- Click Install.
- Enter in the NetSuite account ID, token, and token secret for the Invoiced integration created earlier.
- Click Save. NetSuite is now connected!
When convenience fees are enabled in Invoiced, the integration will create a convenience fee invoice in Netsuite. The convenience fee is applied to this invoice, so it does not create a credit in the accounting system.
You should create a non-inventory convenience fee item in Netsuite. On the Invoiced Integration page, you can select the item and tax code that the integration will use to create the convenience fee invoice.
Reading data from NetSuite to Invoiced, such as when a new invoice is available, will sync every 15 minutes. You can see when the last sync happened on the Invoiced Integration page. If you wish to run a one-off sync, you can click the Sync Now button. Once the bundle is installed and fully configured, new transactions will sync with NetSuite automatically.
Writing data from Invoiced to NetSuite will sync instantly.
Once the integration is fully configured, new transactions will sync with Invoiced on a going-forward basis. The integration does not sync data created prior to the integration being installed. See Importing Data for instructions on how to import transactions prior to installing Invoiced.
It's quick and easy to map a custom field in Netsuite to a custom field in Invoiced. If you haven't created a custom field in Invoiced yet, you'll find instructions here. To create the mapping, you need to know the field IDs from both Netsuite and Invoiced.
In Netsuite, enter "customization" in the search bar and select New Invoiced Mapping Customization. In the field "Netsuite Field ID" enter the ID from your custom field in Netsuite. In the field "Invoiced field ID" enter, where xyz is the ID from your custom field in Invoiced. Select the Record Type for your field and save.
Here we have documented limitations, nuances, and edge cases to be aware of when using the NetSuite integration.
- If you use the Sync Now button, the Netsuite governance limit will be lower than the scheduled script that runs every 15 minutes. You may not see all of your data synced with the Sync Now button, however, you can initiate another sync once it is finished or wait for the next scheduled sync.
- We periodically release new versions of our Netsuite bundle with new features and bug fixes. If the integration meets your needs, you do not have to upgrade the bundle in our account. We'll post details about new bundle versions in our changelog.
When a sync fails you can check the SuiteScript logs in NetSuite.
If you are still unable to get your data synced then please contact Invoiced Support for further assistance.
Your NetSuite account ID is required in order to connect the integration. You can obtain your account ID from NetSuite with these steps:
- Within the NetSuite application, hover over the Setup tab and click Company → Company Information.
- You should see an Account ID field. This is the account ID that you will use in the connection steps.