Release Notes
Each week we share what is new on Invoiced, including new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
Week of February 14, 2024
The Flywire Payments integration now supports 4 distinct payment methods: Card, Direct Debit, Bank Transfer, and Alternative Payment Methods
Week of January 24, 2024
We have a new connector available with Workato that can be used to integrate Invoiced with hundreds of ERP, CRM, and other applications.
Week of January 10, 2024
Mass Automations: Enroll in a scheduled automation or run a one-time automation with the click of a button from a list of customers, invoices, and more.
When single sign-on is mandatory, verification of a newly added user's email address is no longer performed.
Week of December 13, 2024
Cash Application: You can now upload remittance advice documents into Invoiced. A new AI-powered capability will read remittance advice documents, with varying formatting and styles, down to the line item level into Invoiced.
The statement PDF did not render in certain parent-child customer scenarios.
Week of December 6, 2024
Automations: New dropdown lists make it easier to select records when creating automations.
The created at filter did not follow the time component of the selected date and time.
Week of November 29, 2024
CyberSource payment gateway: Fixed missing lastName error when certain characters are present in the cardholder name.
Week of November 22, 2024
Invinting new users when SSO only login is enabled will no longer require that the new user goes through the account registration process.
The column selection button on the customers list was not appearing.
Week of November 8, 2024
NetSuite Integration: The newly released v5 NetSuite bundle now has the ability to post customers, invoices, and credit memos to NetSuite. These new data flows can be configured in the integration settings.
Week of October 22, 2024
The "Pay With" dropdown is hidden on the payment form when there is only one payment method available.
Chasing emails are no longer sent for invoices with pending payments.
Week of September 13, 2024
The metadata from bank feed transactions available to cash application rules has been enhanced to allow for more automation to your cash application process.
Promise-to-Pays report filtered on the last modified timestamp instead of the expected payment date.
Sales Tax Summary report did not include 0% sales tax rates.
The Receive Payment screen did not prevent a biller from overpaying an invoice balance.
Week of September 6, 2024
Payments created from a bank feed have a "Bank Feed Transaction" section that provides more metadata about the transaction.
Week of August 23, 2024
We've added a new integration with Flywire for seamless cross-border payments that allows payers to make payments using localized payment methods! If you need to accept international payments from customers then please contact Invoiced Support to get started.
Week of August 16, 2024
The company_name email template variable now uses your company's DBA name instead of legal name.
Week of August 2, 2024
Advance payments in the customer portal did not use the customer's currency after selecting and deselecting an invoice in a different currency for payment.
Week of July 26, 2024
It is now possible to send a customer portal sign in URL to a customer by clicking Actions > Customer Portal URL > Send.
It was not possible to set the company time zone to UTC.
Week of July 19, 2024
A new promise_to_pay.broken event has been added to help you identify and react to a promise-to-pay not being kept.
An email attachment limit has been set at 20MB when using a custom SMTP configuration to prevent out-of-memory errors when sending.
Week of July 12, 2024
Customer Portal: It is now possible in the customer portal settings to upload file attachments that appear on the "Documents" page of the customer portal for ALL customers. This is great for uploading W-9s or tax documentation that all payers need to see.
Stripe payment gateway: Adding ACH bank accounts using manual deposit verification is available once again.
Week of July 5, 2024
Account statements has a new "Customer" column when the customer has one or more sub-customers.
Customer Portal: The sign in experience was improved when signing in with an email address that is associated with multiple customer profiles.
The new invoice email trigger did not work on invoices where invoice chasing was enabled and then disabled.
The promise-to-pay expected payment date field in the customer portal did not work in some locales.
Week of June 28, 2024
Automations: Our new automation builder feature allows you to create custom automations that perform a sequence of actions in response to various triggers. We can't wait to see what you build!
Customer Portal: The welcome screen shown before a customer signs in has been redesigned. You can now customize the welcome message shown to customers.
Customer Portal: Customers can now see their contacts list on the Billing Details page. With the new "Allow customers to modify contacts" setting they can add, edit, or delete contacts.
Customer Portal: Customers can now add or modify their phone number in the customer portal.
Customer Portal: The Activity page has a new "Customer" column whenever viewing the account of a parent customer.
Customer Portal: It is now possible to switch to a different customer account when signed into the customer portal via an email magic link.
The email address autocomplete did not work with some email addresses.
Week of June 21, 2024
Customer Portal: It is now possible to display transactions for sub-customers of the currently signed in customer. This behavior is enabled with the "Include Sub-Customers" setting in the Customer Portal settings.
Customer Portal: Your business details are now displayed in the footer of the customer portal for establishing trust and making it easier for customers to contact you.
Customer Portal: All pages now have a language selector that allows viewers to switch the language of the customer portal on the fly.
The customer portal and invoice generation are now available in 16 languages!
You can now control which contact information is displayed on transaction PDFs in the Appearance settings.
Customer updated event did not show up in activity log after removing and re-adding a payment method.
Week of June 7, 2024
Creating an invoice chasing cadence with multiple days after issue steps produced an error message.
Week of May 31, 2024
It was not possible to void an unapplied payment on the payment detail screen.
Week of May 24, 2024
An audit log event would not be recorded in some scenarios when the status on an invoice changed from not sent to sent.
The Task Productivity report did not correctly include tasks that were completed by a different user than the one that was assigned.
Week of May 17, 2024
Customer Portal: The new "Require Authentication" setting will require that customers sign in to the customer portal to view any invoice or other document that is sent to them via email.
Customer Portal: It is now possible to disable the My Account functionality in the customer portal. When disabled customers can only view and pay invoices.
Customer Portal: Invoices, estimates, and credit notes can be downloaded as XML.
Customer Portal: Invoices, estimates, credit notes, and account statements have been redesigned to display the full details from the document to match the information that is displayed on the printed version.
Selecting a large number of invoices for payment in the customer portal resulted in a request too large error.
Cash Application: It was not possible to re-add a bank account after it was deleted.
Payment terms with a due in value of 0 days did not properly set a due date.
Week of May 10, 2024
Customer Portal: The new "Show Open Items Before Invoice Payment” setting allows you to change the behavior when a customer clicks the Pay Now button on an invoice.
Week of April 26, 2024
Stripe payment gateway: Customers can now instantly verify their bank account in the customer portal when adding a new bank account using Stripe Financial Connections.
Customer Portal: Invoices, estimates, and credit notes can be downloaded as CSV.
Week of April 19, 2024
Customer Portal: The customer language setting was not followed when the customer did not have a value in the country field.
Customer Portal: Inovice URLs no longer expire after 90 days.
Chasing emails used a different set of email template variables when there were greater than 10 open invoices.
If your business has a Doing Business As (DBA) name then it will be shown in customer-facing locations instead of your company's legal name. You can change your DBA name in Settings > Business Profile.
Week of April 5, 2024
You can now sign into Invoiced with an Intuit, Microsoft, or Xero account.
Week of March 29, 2024
Sign in with Intuit: Sign into Invoiced using your Intuit account.
Sign in with Xero: Sign into Invoiced using your Xero account.
When applying an unapplied payment it is now possible to apply the payment to greater than 100 invoices.
Customer chasing email notices will now send an open item statement instead of a list of invoices when the number of open invoices exceeds 10.
The email address autocomplete did not return recently added email addresses to your customer or contact lists.
Week of March 22, 2024
Subscription Billing: Setting a subscription to cancel at period end was not working if a custom pricing plan was used.
Week of March 15, 2024
Subscription Billing: The trial period was incorrectly set when modifying a trial to end today.
The late fee process would not finish for a recurring late fee schedule if the late fee amount applied was $0.
Week of March 1, 2024
Initial Data Sync: A new tool is available to pull transactions from your accounting system into Invoiced prior to installing the Invoiced integration.
Intacct Integration: fixed an issue where the sync process could crash if a credit memo with sales tax was voided on Invoiced.
Fixed a permission error when editing an invoice that was already issued with a role that only had invoice edit permission.
Week of February 16, 2024
There are two new fields in the spreadsheet import tools: Accounting System and Accounting ID. These new fields allow you to set the mapping for a record on Invoiced to the corresponding record in the accounting system.
When processing a payment with an invoice that was paid through a combination of processed payment and applied credit note, a duplicate payment error would occur.
Week of February 9, 2024
Chasing would not process all customers in the chasing queue after encountering a timeout when building a chasing statement PDF.
QuickBooks Online: It was not possible to sync an invoice with a line item whose name was a GUID.
Late fees have been improved to now generate a separate late fee line item when there is a recurring fee schedule. The late fee line item will also contain the date of each late fee in the line item description. This change will only apply to invoices going forward. Existing invoices with late fees already assessed will continue to generate a single late fee line item.
The accounting sync process will no longer overwrite the invoice payment terms when the invoice has AutoPay enabled.
Week of February 2, 2024
Credit card payments could not be processed when "." was used as the purchase order number.
Intacct integration: Customer custom fields stopped syncing to Invoiced.
When paying an invoice with a payment plan that results in the invoice being paid in full, then the invoice.paid event will now be used instead of invoice.updated.
When a backdated invoice is imported from an external source, it will use the invoice date to calculate the AutoPay payment date instead of the current date.
Credit cards now have a field to track the issuing country of the card.
Week of January 26, 2024
Vendor Pay: Allows U.S. businesses to receive low-cost payments from their business customers.
Week of January 12, 2024
Notifications from Invoiced Business Network now follow each user's customer restrictions.
When applying credits on the same day as issued it would sometimes result in an error because the credit balance became negative.
There is a new Accounts Receivable setting called "Customer Entity Type" that lets you specify the default entity type of new customers.
QuickBooks Online integration: Ship to address is now sent to QuickBooks with the write invoice data flow.
Week of January 5, 2024
When the ship to name was null then the address was not rendered on the invoice detail screen.
Week of December 29, 2023
Bank feed transactions no longer create payments until they are in a posted state.
Subscription Billing: The contract term now displays the number of remaining billing cycles instead of the contract date range. The number of remaining billing cycles has always controlled when a contract will end. The contract date range was informational but could be misleading after performing certain subscription modifications such as modifying the billing term.
Week of December 22, 2023
Exporting the customer list with a default payment method filter did not work.
Week of November 3, 2023
AutoPay retry attempts are no longer scheduled in the past when a payment plan has back-dated installments.
Week of October 27, 2023
It was not possible to save the choices list on custom fields.
The receipt PDF for all themes except Classic have been updated to better match the theme.
Week of October 20, 2023
Advanced Filtering: Table views now have more filters available that allow you to do more advanced queries. We've also made over 100 new properties filterable with this update. Some of the new filter operations include starts/ends with, contains/not contains, empty/not empty, and many more depending on the type of the field that you are filtering.
SAML 2.0 integration: The SAML integration has been vastly improved with things like multi-entity support, no more email domain restrictions, and the ability to disable users signing into your Invoiced account with any other non-SAML authentication method.
The balance column in the customer list did not render money amounts with the customer's currency.
Applying only a credit balance with no credit notes in the customer portal did not work.
Week of October 13, 2023
Stripe payment gateway: Level 3 data is now sent to Stripe for all card transactions. Level 3 data can result in a decrease in declines and lower payment processing costs.
When changing the country on an address form, the labels will automatically adjust to match the address format of the newly selected country.
NetSuite integration: Fixed an issue where a voided payment would void and delete the payment on Invoiced.
Week of October 6, 2023
The Invoiced app menu has undergone a facelift! The menu has been redesigned to be more compact and easier to navigate between various features. The company switcher has also undergone a transformation with the ability to search your company list to quickly find the right account.
Filtering results in table views has a new look! We have improved the process of building a filter and added many new fields to allow you to create more advanced filters.
Week of September 29, 2023
Save to Invoiced: The new Save to Invoiced button is visible to customers when viewing an invoice. It allows the customer to sign up for a free Invoiced account where they can securely receive invoices from you, capture invoice approvals, integrate with their accounting system, and send payments to you.
There is a button on the Generate Statement page to get the client view URL for sharing with a customer. This is available in addition to the send and download buttons.
Fixed an error when a customer was making a payment with an existing payment method on file with the make default payment method option selected.
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Invoiced Business Network! With Invoiced Business Network you can now invite customers to join your business network on Invoiced in order to securely receive e-invoices from you, integrate their accounting system, and access new payment methods.
Changing the currency or customer on a cash receipt payment has been fixed.
Week of September 22, 2023
GoCardless integration: It was not possible to issue multiple refunds for a direct debit payment.
Report Builder: Records with missing custom field values were not included in reports when a not equal to filter was used.
Week of September 8, 2023
Clicking on links in email notifications will now automatically jump into the correct entity.
NetSuite integration: It is now possible to sync invoices from NetSuite as drafts with the "Sync invoices as draft" setting.
Week of September 1, 2023
Subscription Billing: You can now specify a quantity when using custom priced plans.
Customer restrictions on a user were not followed when creating exports.
Recalling a saved filter with a date parameter was not working.
Week of August 25, 2023
Subscription Billing: Filtering subscriptions by plan now includes subscriptions where the plan is used as an addon.
The pagination controls on the Activity Log page has been replaced by a Load More button. Up to 25 events are loaded at a time.
Week of August 18, 2023
Disabling AutoPay on a customer no longer clears the due date of any AutoPay invoices.
QuickBooks Desktop integration: A sync error with an empty error message would happen if an imported invoice was matched with an invoice voided on QuickBooks.
Subscription Billing: There is a new canceled reason property to indicate when a subscription was canceled due to nonpayment or canceled in the customer portal by a customer.
Week of August 11, 2023
ERP Connect: Force reload or deleting an API key could cause the application to hang on a blank screen.
Cash Application: The last transaction fetch timestamp was not updated if a payment was ignored due to a cash application rule.
Modifying a contact's email address after invoice chasing was scheduled did not use the updated email address.
Expired discounts were sometimes not removed after the expiration date.
Week of August 4, 2023
We've added new subscription metric reports to help you understand your recurring revenue business. The new reports are Monthly Recurring Revenue, Annual Recurring Revenue, MRR Movement, Churn, Average Sale Price, Lifetime Value, Net Revenue Retention, and Total Subscribers.
Report Builder: Payment custom fields did not load when selected in reports.
The amount field on the Receive Payment form did not correctly parse and format monetary values in some locales.
Files could not be attached to an invoice if there was a "+" in the filename.
Week of July 21, 2023
Salesforce integration: The account city field was not synced correctly.
Payment exports now include custom fields.
Week of July 7, 2023
NetSuite integration: Customer notes were not syncing to NetSuite.
Week of June 30, 2023
The customer detail screen now has a unified card for all transaction types, including invoices, estimates, credit notes, payments, and more.
Payment plans attached to an invoice written off as bad debt no longer appear in the customer portal as an active payment plan.
Week of June 23, 2023
ERP Connect: Payment custom fields are now supported.
Week of June 9, 2023
NetSuite integration: Fixed an issue where the sync cursor could be stuck at 12pm. Another issue was fixed where an imported invoice would not be mapped if it was paid on Invoiced before it had been matched with the NetSuite invoice.
Salesforce integration: Field mapping customizations can now sync data to Salesforce from Invoiced for invoices, estimates and line items. Previously custom field mappings could only sync data to Invoiced from Salesforce.
Salesforce integration: Fixes an issue where only a single line item would be created for an invoice.
Week of May 26, 2023
Customer convenience fee setting. You can now disable convenience fees for a specific customer.
Closing an invoice no longer sets the status as bad debt. The invoice must be written off using the "Write Off as Bad Debt" action to get a bad debt status.
Customer chasing cadences can now run on specific days of the week that you specify. This makes it possible to only run chasing on weekdays, for example.
Payment plan installment dates now have the time of day set to 6pm in the creator's time zone.
Week of May 19, 2023
Customers can now see credit balances in the customer portal as an available credit, and apply credit balances when making payments if the "Allow customers to apply credits" setting is enabled.
The Apply Credits to New Invoices setting will now automatically apply open credit notes when a new invoice is issued, in addition to applying credit balances.
The Receive Payment screen has been redesigned to give new capabilities.
- The Available Credits section allows adding credit notes and credit balances to the payment.
- Payments can be applied to estimates with an unpaid deposit.
- More fields from the invoice, like due date, promise-to-pay date, total, and more are displayed in the apply payment section.
- Notes and custom fields can be set when processing payments.
- Overpayment line items can be added in any situation, even if the customer has other open items.
Intacct integration: Payments created on Invoiced that include credit note applications will now sync the credit note applications to Intacct.
Avalara integration: It is now possible to clear the exemption reason and exemption number from a customer profile.
Week of May 12, 2023
The create customer and edit customers have a new layout to better group together related fields and settings.
The Close Credit Note action has been removed. We recommend using the void, delete, or apply option instead.
It is now possible to apply a credit note that originated from an accounting system.
You can now generate a sample open item statement in the Appearance settings.
The export feature in some cases would require the create reports permission from a user when that permission should not have been required.
Week of April 21, 2023
NetSuite integration: The latest version fixes an issue where the sync would freeze when a large number of records were modified in a short period of time.
Salesforce integration: The ability to map any Salesforce field to an Invoiced field has been added. You can set this up in the integration settings with the new Field Mapping page. Also, support for syncing Person Accounts has been added.
Subscription Billing: The next billing period was not displayed correctly in some cases on the subscription detail screen.
Customers applying credit notes in the customer portal would see a zero amount payment line item error.
QuickBooks Online integration: The payment terms name will now sync from invoices and credit memos.
Week of April 14, 2023
The Payment Methods screen has a new design.
Fixed the payment method not enabled error when customers were creating promise-to-pays and the payment method was disabled for the default country.
Intacct integration: If you use a multi-entity connection, you can specify whether customers are synced at the top level or entity level.
The direct debit payment method could incorrectly display a convenience fee when more than 5 invoices were selected for payment.
Report Builder: There are new IF and CASE functions that can be used to create more complex reports that were previously not possible.
Week of April 7, 2023
Salesforce integration: Invoice line items synced from Invoiced could show up multiple times on Salesforce.
Report Builder: There is a new IFNULL function. Also, you can now use columns in filter conditions in the right-hand side, in addition to the left-hand side. For example, you could find a list of invoices which have a date before a customer date custom field.
March 31, 2023
The Credit Balance Summary report used a cached value for the current credit balances section that could be an outdated value.
When resuming a subscription with calendar billing, the next billing period dates could be wrong. Also, the upcoming invoice did not immediately refresh when resuming the subscription.
The Show Record button when viewing import failures was not working.
Week of March 24, 2023
You can now manage your payment terms list in the Payment Terms settings page. When creating invoices your list of payment terms will be available as a dropdown.
Intacct integration: Applications of advance payments and overpayments on Intacct are now added as line items on the payment synced to Invoiced.
Week of March 10, 2023
The previous value of an update event had the wrong data type on array items.
There is a new Bank Accounts page in the cash application settings where any connected bank feeds are listed. You can also see when action is required to fix the bank feed connection.
The accounting sync will now show the start time, current task, and timestamp of last update when a sync is running.
Week of March 3, 2023
Intacct integration: Fixed a could not load order entry transaction error.
NetSuite integration: Cash receipt reference number now syncs to the check # field on NetSuite.
AutoPay invoices are now permitted to have a due date.
Some customers were missing from the picklist when creating cash application rules.
It was not possible for customers to modify payment amounts in the customer portal when paying in a currency other than their default.
The Credit Balance Summary report did not include balances of customers with no default currency.
Week of February 24, 2023
Scheduled reports can now be saved with a dynamic date range, e.g. past 30 days.
Earth Class Mail integration: Scanned pages within the envelope are synced to Invoiced in addition to the check image.
Invoiced Payments: More declined card payments (depending on failure reason) appear in the failed charges list.
QuickBooks Desktop integration: Payments can now be posted to QuickBooks that belong to invoices that were not originally synced from QuickBooks.
Week of February 17, 2023
There are two additional entity types you can apply to a customer: Government and Non-Profit
Statements have a new look for every theme except for Classic.
Resuming a paused subscription with a trial period did not calculate the correct set of billing dates.
Week of February 3, 2023
The A/R Overview report mistakenly allowed custom field filters, which had no effect on the generated result.
Voiding a payment applied to over 100 invoices did not correctly void all invoice applications.
QuickBooks Desktop integration: voided transactions now appear on Invoiced as voided instead of a zero amount.
Week of January 27, 2023
NetSuite integration v4.1.1: Fixes syncing when a non-default date format is used and better handles project syncing with advanced projects disabled.
You can now see when KPIs on the dashboard were last generated by hovering over the number.
Week of January 20, 2023
Bad debt written off with a credit note was not correctly categorized on the Reconciliation report.
Subscription Billing: When resuming a paused subscription, the billing period dates could become out of sync with the subscription.
A new page has been added for payers to enter payment amount individually for each invoice that was selected for payment. This screen is shown after an invoice is selected for payment and before payment details are entered.
It is now possible to collect advance payments from customers via the customer portal. Advance payments are collected separately from any invoice balance and added to the customer's account balance as a credit for future invoices. This feature is off by default and can be enabled in the customer portal settings.
The payment form used by customers will now display the amount of each payment line item, including convenience fees, in addition to the total payment amount
QuickBooks Desktop integration: Syncing a modified payment resulted in a sync error.
Week of January 6, 2023
NetSuite integration: Fixed payments not syncing when jobs are used.
NetSuite integration: Fixed an issue with some records being skipped during a sync.
NetSuite integration: More sync errors are reported to Invoiced and visible/retryable on the Accounting Sync page.