

The Automations feature in Invoiced allows users to build customizable workflows that execute a sequence of steps based on various triggers. This feature enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, ensuring timely responses to events, and providing flexibility to adapt to specific business needs.


Triggers define the conditions under which a workflow is initiated. Invoiced supports three types of triggers:

  1. Scheduled: Automations run on a defined schedule, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  2. Event-Based: Automations are triggered by specific events, such as the creation of an invoice or a payment being received.
  3. Manual: Automations are initiated manually by the user when needed.


Actions are the steps that a workflow performs once it is triggered. Invoiced supports the following types of actions:

  1. Send Email: Automatically send an email to specified recipients.
  2. Send Document: Send documents such as invoices, receipts, or statements to the customer.
  3. Condition: Add conditional logic to the workflow, allowing different actions to be taken based on specific criteria.
  4. Set Property Value: Update a property value on an object, such as changing the status of an invoice.
  5. Copy Property Value: Copy a property value from one object to another.
  6. Clear Property Value: Clear or reset a property value on an object.
  7. Create Object: Create new objects such as invoices, customers, or tasks.
  8. Delete Object: Delete existing objects from the system.
  9. Send Notification: Send notifications to users within Invoiced.
  10. Post Message to Slack: Post a message to a specified Slack channel.
  11. Webhook: Send data to an external system via a webhook.

Building a Workflow

The automation will use the timezone set in the business profile. To build a workflow in Invoiced, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Trigger: Choose the appropriate trigger type (Scheduled, Event-Based, or Manual) and configure its settings.
  2. Add Actions: Select and configure the actions that should be performed when the trigger is activated. You can add multiple actions and define the sequence in which they should occur.
  3. Set Conditions: If needed, add conditional logic to determine which actions to execute based on specific criteria. NOTE: if a custom field ID has a number or special character, the automation will not save. It must be letters only.
  4. Review and Save: Review the workflow configuration to ensure it meets your requirements, then save the workflow.
  5. Enroll: For automations with scheduled triggers, enroll a record in the automation by going to the object's page and clicking the green Automate link.

Example Workflows

Example 1: Automated Monthly Statements

Trigger: Scheduled - Monthly at 9:00 AM


  • Condition: Check if the customer has a balance owed.
    • If True:
      • Send Email: Send an email to the customer with an open item statement.

Example 2: Customer Onboarding Process

Trigger: Event-Based - New Customer Created


  • Send Email: Welcome email sent to the new customer with account setup instructions.
  • Create Object: Create a task for the finance team to follow up with the new customer within three days.
  • Send Notification: Notify the account representative about the new customer.

Example 3: Manual Contract Renewal Process

Trigger: Manual


  • Send Email: Send a contract renewal reminder to the customer.
  • Create Object: Generate a task about the contract renewal.
  • Send Notification: Notify the account manager to follow up with the customer regarding the contract renewal.


The Automations feature in Invoiced provides a powerful tool for streamlining business processes and reducing manual effort. By leveraging the various triggers and actions available, users can create highly customized workflows that cater to their unique requirements.

Please contact Invoiced Support if you need help setting up or using the Automations feature. We look forward to seeing what you build.