This document details how to connect Flywire to Invoiced for accepting cross-border payments and how our integration works.
You must have an account with Flywire. If you do not have a Flywire account please contact Invoiced Support to get started.
Setting up Flywire payments is a straightforward process.
- First contact Invoiced Support to request that the Flywire payment method is added to your Invoiced account.
- Invoiced Support will activate and configure the Flywire payment method in your Invoiced account.
Paying with Flywire has been made as straightforward as possible for customers. When a customer goes to make a payment they are shown localized payment methods depending on their location. The Flywire payment experience begins when the customer clicks Pay for the Flywire payment method.

Instantly settled Flywire payment methods like credit cards will create a payment on Invoiced with a succeeded status. New Flywire payments that are not settled instantly like a bank transfer will have a pending status. Once the transaction succeeds or fails we will update the invoice and send the customer a receipt. In the event of a failure we will create an event in the dashboard.